
Friday, June 29, 2012

No More Horny Dwarves

All too often I find Dwarves are too horny.  Not all of them of course, but a lot of them.  Far too Many.

It has never done anything for me personally.  But it seems a lot of people like horny Dwarves.

I hear many say "But it's fantasy. I like it."

O.K., I understand that anything can go in a fantasy, and for some they like the fantasy of horny Dwarves.

Many even pay a lot of good money for horny Dwarves.

If that's what they want then who am I to say it's wrong?  I can only speak for myself.

But I am lucky enough to have a client who also thought Dwarves would be better if not so horny.

So on the bench now is a Dwarf Blood Bowl team that have had this unnatural horny condition fixed.

It's an extreme procedure that requires cutting off a significant sized piece of the miniature.

Here is the result:
They've all had those huge horns from their helmets removed and helmets rebuilt to create a more modern and reasonable helmet.

As GW envisioned them:
He wanted a pattern on the helmet that'd be impossible with these big horns, I suggested removing the horns- not an easy task, but worth the effort.

In seriousness, horned helmets have never been a thing I liked much.  It is pure fantasy, which is fine, since so are dragons & orcs & more, but it's so prevalent in fantasy that it's not uncommon for people to think they are historically accurate, when the history of them only goes as far back as Wagner.  Kind of like how so many dinosaur and cavemen movies have been made some people believe that the two coexisted ;)

Anyway, the Dwarf team should be fun!  I even got to de-horn the old Deathroller:
I think that works much better.  
In a commission I don't always get to do what  I  think will look best, but this time I did :) 


  1. Outstanding work!! Will be awesome to have a dwarf team like no one elses!!

  2. I was a little worried where you were going with this post at the beginning and half expected to find a Mousse T link at the end of it! Great start to the conversions and that death roller looks like an awesome contraption! Looking forward to further developments.

  3. They do lokk better without these horns, great idea!

  4. About time someone de-horned one of those deathrollers. Don't suppose you fancy de-spiking it as well?

  5. I've dehorned calves in my time and I have to say this looks like more effort :P
    Good job well done, lookin forward to seeing your progress!

  6. I had been contemplating doing exactly that to a team tht has been sitting in my "to do" box for quite awhile. They look awesome but now I'm worried about how much work it is!

  7. Noooooooo its a defilement against nature.. its like a bacon sundae.. just not natural.. wait wha??

    Looking good mate.. glad that you got to go a direction that you think will make them better, and the client said OK.. so often that is not the case.

    Wondering now what colors go best for non-horny dwarfs?
